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Consultancy and Training

"Expertise and Reliability"

Bluecan BV offers all kinds of consultancy and training for Tank Cleaning Stations as well as for Transporters and Producers. 


Consultancy and training at Tank Cleaning Stations

Our expertise ranges from optimising processes or technical advice to staff training such as HACCP training, food safety training, safety training, etc. All with the aim of providing the best service to the customer with the highest priority on quality, safety and environment.

We help our customers to set up their quality management system, so that it meets all applicable food-safety standards. We also offer assistance in preparing for certifications such as EFTCO, SQAS, ISO 9001, etcetera.

Consultancy and training for Transporters, Producers, Loaders and Product Owners

We provide training for drivers and ground staff when it comes to the correct inspection of a cleaned tank. Where are the critical control points, how should a tank be sealed? Which documents must be checked and how?


All these topics are an important part of gaining full control over the supply chain and therefore over the products you are responsible for as a transporter or producer.

After all, after cleaning, the driver will sign the ECD document confirming that his tank has been cleaned correctly and that he (or rather, the transport company) will take over responsibility for it. But does he have the right knowledge to do so? And does the transporter have the right knowledge?

Bluecan BV can help you provide insight. We train in what is important to check before taking over the responsibility of a cleaned tank.

Are you interested in how we can provide the best possible solution for you? Do you also want more certainty? More control over your supply chain?


Then get in touch with us!

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